4 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home

If you are someone who suffers from allergies or asthma, you understand just how important clean indoor air is. When you are someone who suffers from allergies or asthma, you understand just how important clean indoor air is. Because of this, many people tend to invest in commercial air purifiers, for both their homes and offices. This might help keep indoor air as clean as possible. However, while air purifiers are a good option, the air in your home can still be dirty even if you have one.

Many of us are concerned about the health of the air we breathe. And for a good reason: according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. But indoor air quality isn’t always obvious and can often be hidden by the things we can’t see, like pollen and dust particles. This is why many people decide to call in the professionals at this point, such as those from CJS Heating & Air, to be completely satisfied that their air quality is substantial. However, we can also detect it, and treat it ourselves.

Here are some simple ways to improve air quality in your home, which will make you and your family feel and breathe better:

  1. Keep all surfaces clean by placing mats in all of your home’s entrances. Breathing the air inside your home can be just as important as breathing air outside especially if you have allergies, children, or pets. Allergens and other pollutants can build up in your home and affect the air quality. To start freshening things up, try placing floor mats in all of your home’s entrances. The mats will collect dust, dirt, and other particles, and the air circulates better under them.
  2. Maintain a healthy level of humidity. With the right tools, you can easily maintain a healthy level of humidity indoors. To help you get started, here are four easy ways to improve air quality in your home. Humidity is an important part of the air we breathe. It keeps our skin moist and helps hair and nails grow. Homes that are too dry can exacerbate a wide range of health issues, including respiratory problems, allergies, and asthma.
  3. Fresh air is essential for good health. If you’re living in a home with poor air quality, you can ideally consider looking for an air purifier or getting the air ducts in your home professionally cleaned by service providers such as DUCTZ of Rockingham County or one within your vicinity. Both solutions will help to improve your home’s air quality significantly. You may also want to consider opening a window from time to time to get a breath of fresh air.
  4. Call a friend – the vacuum is your friend. Buy a vacuum? For air quality? It sounds crazy, but it might just be the best investment you ever make for your own health. Vacuums are used to suck up dirt and debris, but they can also suck up dust particles, allergens, and irritants in the air, reducing the amount of air pollution you are exposed to every day. A Consumer Reports survey found that some vacuum cleaners collect as many as 4,000 dust particles per minute, with some of the best models capturing as much as 99% of the particles they pull from the air. Carpets, especially, ought to be cleaned properly. You can either vacuum them yourselves or approach Long Beach carpet cleaners to get them done professionally.

If your air quality isn’t ideal, there are plenty of ways you can improve it. You can do the above-mentioned ways and, of course, home cleaning.

Home Cleaning Also Helps

The benefits of home cleaning are numerous. Regular cleaning makes you feel better, it helps you sleep better, it helps your family live healthier lives, and it will even lower your carbon footprint. The next time you decide to skip your weekly cleaning, consider this: cleaning your home just twice a month can reduce your risk of developing lung cancer by 50%, according to a new report from the World Health Organization.

Here are other ways to put your house in order and help clean up the air:

  • Investing in healthier cleaning products helps limit your exposure to harmful chemicals, and some of them (like vinegar and baking soda) work just as well as their chemical counterparts.
  • Replace your old, energy-guzzling appliances with new models.
  • Wash your bed sheets at least once a week, and make sure your mattress is protected with a waterproof cover.
  • Clean your pet’s bedding regularly, and wash them.

Whether you’re facing the task of spring cleaning or cleaning up after a party, house cleaning can be a drag. But the more you make it a part of your regular routine, the more it will become a habit, and the easier it will be to keep up with it.



